Redgate Flyway

Automate database deployments across teams and technologies.

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Redgate Flyway extends DevOps to your databases to accelerate software delivery and ensure quality code.

From version control to continuous delivery, Redgate Flyway helps individuals, teams, and enterprises build on application delivery processes to automate database development.

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Ian Wilkinson, Principal Developer at The Access Group

Some of the team at the Access Group joined us at the Redgate Summit event in London (April 2024). We spoke to Ian Wilkinson, who is a Principal Developer at the company, and he talked about how Flyway has benefitted the way he works.


“We're managing to release up to 95 times per day. It's vastly improved from 1 every 6 weeks.”

Ryan Crawford
Director of Engineering, Skyscanner
BGL Insurance

“Releases are now deployed the same day they are signed off, normally within ten minutes of approval, with no possibility of overwriting code.”

Luke Rust
Senior Data Engineer, BGL Insurance
G2 High Performer award, Winter 2025

Continuous delivery of database changes

Version control your database code

Track database changes with a single source of truth and increase the reliability of deployments

Enable database CI and release automation

Create repeatable processes and pair with automation to maximize the rate of releases

Left-shifted development experience

Automate pre-merge tests, quality checks, database unit and integration tests to detect issues earlier


Works with over 30 different database types, whether they’re on-prem or in the cloud.

Keep track across the pipeline

Stay compliant with an audit trail of changes made through development and deployment.

Faster, more reliable deployments

Auto-generate migration scripts and undo commands to improve quality and speed up development.

Works with your existing tool set

Integrates with all common CI and release tools, including GitHub, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, TeamCity, and many more.

However you want it to work

Access the Graphical User Interface, CLI and API across Windows, MacOS or Linux, and all in plain SQL.

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How can Redgate Flyway help you to improve?

David Ong shows how you can use Redgate Flyway to bring repeatable, standardized processes into your pipelines

David Ong, Solutions Engineer at Redgate

Top companies from around the world use Redgate solutions

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“With techniques such as Continuous Delivery becoming more mainstream, automated database migrations are a baseline capability for many software teams. Redgate Flyway makes it as painless as possible to automate this process.”Erik Dörnenburg
Head of Technology Europe, ThoughtWorks

Explore Redgate Flyway Enterprise


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